Dads’ Campfire Nights meets on the first Tuesday of the month at The Grapevine from 7-8:30pm (subject to change).
Led by local dad, Rick Edmunds, this is a monthly event for dads to relax around the campfire and share about all aspects of parenting. Pizza is served. Please dress for the weather and bring a beverage of choice along with a folding chair. Contact us for more information or give us a call. Here’s what one dad recently shared about Dads Group:
“I found the dads group to be a great resource while my children were still very young and we were figuring things out at home. It was nice to talk to other dads in the same position and hear the various ways each family was dealing with the joys and hardships of having young ones and staying sane. I highly recommend this group to any dad.”
Mark G., Hancock