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Antrim’s December Community Supper

First Presbyterian Church Antrim, NH 73 Main St, Antrim, NH

Join your neighbors for a delicious meal cooked and served this month by the Antrim Grange. Menu: Chicken & Gravy on Biscuits, Zucchini Casserole, Apple Crisp w/Vanilla Ice Cream.

Free Tax Preparation

The Grapevine 4 Aiken St, Antrim, NH, United States

IRS-certified tax preparer Larry Schwartz is providing free tax preparation at The Grapevine this tax season. All returns will be filed electronically. Call The Grapevine now to schedule your appointment […]

Donation is Optional

Antrim’s January Community Supper

First Presbyterian Church Antrim, NH 73 Main St, Antrim, NH

Join your neighbors for a delicious meal cooked and served this month by the Antrim Democrats. On the menu are several Italian meal options such as cheese ravioli, ziti and […]

Parents of Teens & Pre-teens!

By Zoom

Discussion Topic: Body Image among Teens and Pre-Teens: Let's flesh this out. Join Non-Diet Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor Tiffany Calcutt for an exchange on body image and […]

Dads Campfire with Rick Edmunds

The Grapevine 4 Aiken St, Antrim, NH, United States

We are grateful for all the caregivers out there including our DADS! Dads play such an important role in their family's lives and talking with other dads can really help! […]

Snow Families Playday

The Grapevine 4 Aiken St, Antrim, NH, United States

  A morning of indoor and outdoor activities. Join local author Susie Spikol from the Harris Center for a reading from her new book The Animal Adventurers Guide and search for animal life around the Grapevine! Afterwards check out the Tuttle Library’s chili cookoff!

Antrim’s February Community Supper

First Presbyterian Church 73 Main St, Antrim, NH, United States

Join your neighbors for a delicious meal cooked and served this month by the staff and students of Antrim Elementary School! On the menu (subject to change) are: Pasta/cheese bake --vegetarian but NOT gluten-free, Potato/mushroom Bake--GLUTEN FREE, VEGAN (in addition to potatoes, contains mustard, mushrooms, pureed garbanzo beans, soy milk, onions, garlic, veggie stock, vegan […]

Donation is Optional

2023 Positive Solutions for Families- Week 1

By Zoom

This program will be offered virtually via zoom. A six week parenting program for those with children ages birth to 5. Learn ways to encourage positive behavior, use praise and encouragement, set up daily routines, understand the reason behind behaviors, make the most of play time. Facilitators: Carol Lunan and Lesley Moenter To register give […]

2023 Positive Solutions for Families- Week 2

By Zoom

This six week program started on March 8th and will be offered virtually via zoom . On going parenting program for those with children ages birth to 5. Learn ways to encourage positive behavior, use praise and encouragement, set up daily routines, understand the reason behind behaviors, make the most of play time. Facilitators: Carol […]

Antrim’s March Community Supper

First Presbyterian Church 73 Main St, Antrim, NH, United States

Join your neighbors for a delicious meal cooked and served this month by the Antrim Police Association! On the menu: a spaghetti dinner theme including angel hair and linguine pasta as well as a gluten free pasta option, along with a red sauce and an alfredo sauce. Caesar salad, bread, and dessert with a gluten […]

Donation is Optional

2023 Positive Solutions for Families- Week 3

By Zoom

This six week program started on March 8th and will be offered virtually via zoom . On going parenting program for those with children ages birth to 5. Learn ways to encourage positive behavior, use praise and encouragement, set up daily routines, understand the reason behind behaviors, make the most of play time. Facilitators: Carol […]